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Term Definition
Abstract Data Types HL7 Standard: Generally refers to the HL7 Datatype R2 specification, which is related to the ISO 21090 standard.
ADaM CDISC Project: Analysis Data Model
AE Adverse Event
AIM NCI Project: Annotated Image Markup
APSR Anatomic Pathology Structured Report, an IHE standard harmonized with BRIDG
Association UML Term: A relationship between classes within a UML model.
Attribute UML Term: A characteristic or property of a class within a UML model.
BAM NCI Project: Business Architecture Model
BoD BRIDG Board of Directors
BRIDG Biomedical Research Integrated Domain Group
BR&R Biomedical Research and Regulation Work Group, one of many work groups within HL7 and the one that creates and promotes standards to facilitate biomedical research and any subsequent regulatory evaluation of the safety, efficacy and quality of medical products that may arise from research. BR&R is also the one under which BRIDG is registered as a project
C3PR NCI Project: caBIG Central Clinical Participant Registry
caAERS NCI Project: caBIG Adverse Event Reporting System
caBIG NCI Term: Cancer Biomedical Informatics Grid
caXchange NCI Project: rename to caBIG Integration Hub
CDASH CDISC Project: Clinical Data Acquisition Standards Harmonization
CDISC BRIDG Stakeholder: Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium
CDMH Common Data Model Harmonization, a project of the FDA to harmonize several commonly use data repositories
CIC Clinical Interoperability Council Work Group, one of many work groups within HL7 with an interest in BRIDG and one that defines content, flow and other domain requirements necessary to the development of robust health data standards
CG Clinical Genomics Work Group, one of many work groups within HL7 with an interest in BRIDG and one that focuses on clinical, personal, and population genomic information and family health history, which are required to support personalized / precision medicine
CIM either Computationally Independent Model or Conceptual Information Model
Class UML Term: A concept of interest within the domain.
Class Diagram UML Term: A visual representation of the classes, attributes and associations within a domain.
CMET HL7 Term: Common Model Element Type
Code System HL7 Term: A collection of codes with associated designations and meanings; examples of code systems include ICD-9 CM, SNOMED CT, LOINC, and CPT.
Complex Data Types A datatype specification that contains component parts, see Abstract datatypes, ISO 21090 and HL7 Datatypes R2.
Concept Domain HL7 Term: An abstract conceptual space that can be associated with coded attributes.
COPPA NCI Project: Correlations, Organizations, People and Protocol Abstraction
CSI Computable Semantic Interoperability
CTODS NCI Project: Clinical Trials Object Data System
CTOM NCI Project: Clinical Trials Object Model
DAM Domain Analysis Model
Data Dictionary A collection of descriptions about the data within a domain.
DICOM BRIDG Stakeholder: Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine, a standard protocol for the management and transmission of medical images and related data
DIM Domain Information Model
DMIM HL7 Term: Domain Message Information Model
Dynamic Semantics The various processes, activity flows and interactions of a domain analysis model. Dynamic components include storyboards, activity diagrams, state diagrams, and sequence diagrams.
EA UML Modeling Tool: Enterprise Architect
F2F Face to Face
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
FDA BRIDG Stakeholder: Food and Drug Administration
FHIMS Federal Health Information Model and Standards
Harmonization BRIDG Term: Bringing semantics from project models into BRIDG. Or HL7 Term: Bringing semantics into HL7 RIM
HL7 BRIDG Stakeholder: Health Level Seven
ICSR HL7 Project: Individual Case Safety Report
II Imaging Integration Work Group, one of many work groups within HL7 with an interest in BRIDG and one that focuses on use cases, information structures, message and document content related to ordering and reporting of non-textual data and associated information, including images themselves
Inheritance UML Term: A relationship between two UML classes indicating that one is a type of the other.
Instance Diagram aUML Term: A static snapshot of instances (not classes) in the domain of interest, usually used to illustrate, with examples, the relationships defined on a class diagram.aa
ISO International Standards Organization
ISO 14199 The ISO standard identifier for the BRIDG model.
ISO 21090 The specific standard within ISO for the representation of datatype for information interchange.
LabHub/LabViewer NCI Project: An open-source, web-based application that is used to view laboratory data stored in the Clinical Trials Object Data System (CTODS) Lab Domain database
LOINC Code System: Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes
Mapping Spreadsheet BRIDG Term: Usually an Excel spreadsheet that documents how items (classes and attributes) from a project model map to classes and attributes in the BRIDG model.
MedDRA Code System: Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities
Metadata Data used to describe other data.
MIF HL7 Term: Model Interchange Format
NBIA NCI Project: National Biomedical Imaging Archive
NCI BRIDG Stakeholder: National Cancer Institute
O&O Orders and Observations Work Group, one of many work groups within HL7 with an interest in BRIDG and one that defines information exchange capabilities to support the order/scheduling and clinical event management/reporting requirements between the stakeholders in the healthcare organization
OWL Web Ontology Language
PIM HL7 Term: Platform Independent Model
POC Point of Contact
Post-Coordination Vocabulary Term: The desired meaning is represented by assembling one or more codes into an expression.
Pre-Coordination Vocabulary Term: All required concepts, no matter how complex, are included in the terminology in advance, so that a single code can capture the intended meaning.
PSC NCI project: Patient Study Calendar
PSM HL7 Term: Platform Specific Model
RCRIM The HL7 Working Group that was a predecessor of BR&R; RCRIM stands for Regulated Clinical Research Information Management
RIM HL7 Term: Reference Information Model
RIM-based Model A representation of the BRIDG model based on the HL7 RIM.
RMIM HL7 Term: Refined Message Information Model
RPS HL7 Project: Regulated Product Submission
SAIF ]HL7 Term: Service-Aware Interoperability Framework
SCC BRIDG Semantic Coordination Committee, an old name for what is now called the BRIDG Modelers Team
Schema A document defining in a formal language the structures within a system (database or XML document).
SDTM CDISC Project: Study Data Tabulation Model
SEER Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results, a long running NCI project and repository whose concepts were harmonized with BRIDG
Semantics The meaning or an interpretation of the meaning, of a word.
SHARE CDISC Project: Shared Health and Clinical Research Electronic library
SME Subject Matter Expert
SNOMED CT Code System: Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine – Clinical Terms
State Diagram UML Term: Defines the value states for an object and the valid transitions between those states.
Static Semantics The concepts, attributes, and relationships of a domain analysis model. Static components include the class diagrams and instance diagrams.
TDM CDISC Project: Trial Design Model
Terminology The vocabulary used within a domain, usually specifying the values for a coded attribute.
UCUM Code System: Unified Codes for Units of Measure
UML Unified Modeling Language
Value Set HL7 Term: Used to specify a set of possible values for one or more coded attributes.
Vocabulary A list of words used within a domain, usually specifying the values for a coded attribute.
Vocabulary Binding Modeling Term: The association of a coded element with a value set that can be resolved to all legal values that may be carried in that element.
WGM Working Group Meeting, an opportunity held three times per year at varying locations during which HL7 work groups meet face to face to work on the standards they develop and maintain, and at which HL7 offers training
XMI XML Metadata Interchange
XML eXtendable Markup Language